Dove Lake Circuit and the Enchanted Walk

Original Date: April 3, 2013 – 9:37 am Day 2 of our stay in Cradle involved sleeping in and a long breakfast. This morning I realised that the cabin we are staying in is surrounded by native pepper berry bushes. Some of them might find their way into my dinner tonight ;) The rest of the morning was spent reading and practicing taking wildlife photos on the currawongs (I think) that inhabit the area.

Eventually we got moving around lunch time and wandered over to the nearest restaurant to book for tomorrow night followed by a walk along ‘The Enchanted Walk’. Its a pretty quick walk, at 20 mins, and is dead flat and duck boarded or bitumen the whole way. It follows a river upstream for a few hundred metres, then crosses at a bridge and comes back.

After that we went down to Dove Lake and did the loop around the lake. The weather was pretty crappy (as you’ll be able to see in the photos) but it is a really nice walk. We went along the Hansons Peak (mmmbop) side, clockwise around the the lake. I was also playing with a new lens for my camera, and it is the wrong lens for that sort of thing, so I didn’t get many photos. Luckily the weather was crap anyway and everything was covered in cloud most of the time.

Tomorrow morning is supposed to be clear so hopefully I can get some nice photos tomorrow.