Today was the sad trip leaving Zermatt, we could easily have stayed for a few more days. However the Glacier Express was a good trip through the hills of Switzerland and had some great views. There aren't many photos from the train ride as it is difficult to get a photo without glare on the train windows getting in the way.
The train was pretty packed, but comfortable. We arrived in Chur at about 3pm after not having had any lunch ... we had our lunch in a paper bag under our seat and it was mistaken for rubbish one of the stewards :(
We went to Arcos Cafe in Martinsplatz and went for a walk around the old part of town. Some of the building are centuries old, and have been built upon over the years.
After that we had a quiet night in the room at Hotel Drei Konige.
There were a number of hairdressers very close to the hotel as well, next time I come to Europe I'm going to count how many I see.