Escapeas Sep 15, 2019 garden home I recently planned some sugar snap peas. They were planted on 1st Sept, we've had a single frost since then, hopefully we won't get too
Film Photography Aug 18, 2019 photos film photography Some time ago the media office at work had a cupboard cleanout and I was lucky enough to get my hands on their old film
A cautionary tale Feb 20, 2018 storage This is remarkably close to how storage conversations go in the real world
Linux Conference 2017 Jan 16, 2017 linux technology LinuxConfAU this year was in Hobart at Wrest Point, this is a list of the interesting talks that I want to follow up on: An
Angers May 10, 2016 holidays france angers My last night in France was in Angers. We didn't have a heap of time in the town, but managed to see the